Welcome to the CommonGround Podcast!
Jul 5, 2023

Introducing the CommonGround Podcast: A Fresh Voice for Landowners, Farmers, and Hunters
Welcome to the first episode of the CommonGround Podcast, a brand-new venture that's as exciting as it is necessary. We're here to shake things up, bringing fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the world of land ownership, farming, and hunting.
Our hosts, Chris and Brad, have embarked on this journey with a clear mission in mind: to educate and inform, bringing technology into a space that has not yet been disrupted. They're not your typical podcast hosts, and that's exactly why they're the perfect people to lead this charge.
In our inaugural episode, we dive headfirst into the unexpected challenges and responsibilities that come with owning land. Chris shares his personal journey, "I bought a farm for a hobby, and then it was all of a sudden, okay, you're a businessman, you're an entrepreneur. Oh, you've got a farm. Well, who's going to farm it?" It's a sentiment that resonates with many in our community, highlighting the need for education and understanding in land ownership.
We also tackle the financial aspects of farming and land ownership. "I want to know my ROI, I want to know my return, I want guaranteed income," says Chris, emphasizing the importance of understanding the business side of farming.
But it's not all business. We're also here to dream big and think outside the box. "Why can we not create the Airbnb meets eBay of Farmland, an open, transparent marketplace?" Chris muses. It's this kind of innovative thinking that we believe can truly revolutionize the industry.
At the end of the day, our goal is simple: "We wanted to maximize yield. We wanted to help farmers grow, and we wanted to help increase landowner ROI." And we believe that by doing these things, we can create a successful dual-sided marketplace that benefits everyone in the industry.
So, are you ready to join us on this exciting journey? We're just getting started, and we can't wait to see where this road takes us. But one thing's for sure: we're better off traveling it together.
Join our CommonGround Community on Facebook here and let's start making a difference, together.